July 16, 2016
Organisational productivity targets should always be accompanied by appropriate benchmarks for monitoring progress and measuring the achievement of your goals. This will aid performance reviews of your production resources and facilitate the identification of loose ends.
To this end, the establishment of productivity targets should always take into account the human resource capacity of your organisation. You should endeavour to optimise both the individual and collective capabilities of your workforce, which is why skills matrix remains a very crucial ingredient of knowledge management strategy within the organisation.
The deployment of the skills matrix in human resource management allows you to allocate duties and responsibilities according to the individual qualifications and skills of your employees. A skills matrix enhances the visibility of individual employee profiles by summarising academic qualifications, work experience, professional certifications, training, professional affiliations and ongoing study programmes.
In fact, it is as good as accessing entire CVs of employees with the click of your mouse. This allows you to identify individual capabilities and talents of your employees in order to match those attributes against job descriptions. It also simplifies your job evaluation programmes and promotion decisions because it allows you to continuously update and track your employees’ professional progression.
A skills matrix schedule always comes in handy when allocating specific designations to your workforce. It affords you the leverage for automating the management of the skills, work experiences and talents that members of your workforce possess. This would be in tandem with the prevailing trends where organisations are gradually adopting HR applications that automate the management of crucial tasks.
The software applications for automating the implementation of the skills matrix in human resource management in your organisation are designed to meet the globally accepted thresholds of HR strategies. Ability6 provides skills matrix solutions that prioritise employees while safeguarding the interests of all other organisational stakeholders.