ability6® is an innovative, cloud-based application used to facilitate capability improvements within organisations regardless of size and sector.
Ability6® is delivered in the cloud and leverages a modern technology platform, creating better informed team / people managers.
To learn about ability6® including its high level features please use this FAQs page. Unlike most cloud-based technology companies that push you down the route of finding the answer yourself, we still believe in the power of talking and face-to-face demo/assistance. Call us anytime if we can help UK 0330 043 8943 US (917) 970-0755.
To delve deep into the intricacies of the application please also feel free to consult the latest user manual here.
0 = No Current Proficiency / Skill Requirement 1 = Required Proficiency / Skill | No Current Competency 2 = Required Proficiency / Skill | Partial Competency Level 3 = Required Proficiency / Skill | Good Competency Level 4 = Required Proficiency / Skill | Advanced/Trainer Competency Level 5 = Strategic Influence/Power The skills rating is a number and colour, so that when you produce the skills matrix you can visually interpret the result both by the score (accumulation of numbers) and as a heat-map (areas of red needing development, through to green showing strong capability). An example of the completed matrix would look akin to the below: Completed skills matrix at task level with advanced skills proficiency targetting turned on