December 19, 2016
Workplace happiness can be difficult to attain, but it is a worthwhile endeavour because it affects productivity at work. Companies are now taking note of the importance of employee happiness, and many of those that have invested in it are already reaping the benefits. Positive emotions have a large positive causal effect on productivity. Companies that have happy employees might note higher profits, while the company can suffer when employees are less motivated.
Most companies think that financial incentives are enough to make employees happy and realise high productivity. However, this notion is far from accurate because monetary incentives are not always enough to make employees highly productive. In fact, most people do not leave a job because they are unsatisfied with the salary; instead, they leave because they feel unappreciated or that their contribution is not valued. That does not mean that an appropriate salary is unnecessary, but it should not be considered the most important component.
Happy employees work better and tend to be more creative in solving problems. In simple terms, employee satisfaction equals increased productivity. Although it requires both the employee and the employer to acquire the required level of happiness in the workplace, management plays a significant role in enhancing job satisfaction. It is the responsibility of managers to constantly review operations and create a positive working environment with high morale. This includes ensuring that the workforce has the necessary tools and resources for performing the required tasks. Ability6 can help businesses proactively engage their workforce and place their workers at the heart of the organisation.
In addition, management transparency is an important determining factor in employee happiness. Sharing the vision and values of the organisation is important because it ensures employees understand and relate their personal goals to those of the company. Finally, employers should pay attention to the needs of employees to achieve long-term employee satisfaction and loyalty.